Swedish Massage is a very relaxing and therapeutic style of bodywork. It combines oils or lotion with an array of strokes such as rolling, kneading, and percussion to help the body improve its circulation. The benefits of this type of bodywork are wide-ranging and include relief from aches and pains, decreased stress levels in the body, enhanced mental clarity, improved appearance, and greater flexibility.
With Essential Oil blend add $5
This massage is perfect to relieve tension, headaches, sinus pressure or to simply bring you to a place of peace and calm.
With Essential Oil blend add $5
Training for an event takes a lot of dedication, discipline and hard work. Keeping the muscles, tendons and ligaments healthy, nourished and free from injury is a must when one considers the time and work invested in training. I will work with you to incorporate a schedule of massages that fit in with your training schedule. This means deep work when it's needed and a more gentle approach when that is appropriate. I tailor each massage so that you get relief and can continue to train at your best.
You're done with your race and now it's time for rest and recovery. This might be the most welcome massage you will experience. It's time to get the fatigue out of the muscles and ease the soreness, so this massage focuses on long easy strokes to increase the circulation, bringing nourishing blood and oxygen to the muscles while flushing out the excess fluid in those in-between spaces (Edema) I will also work around the joints to take the stiffness away. That heavy feeling will be gone and you will be ready to think about your next race.
This is not a reflexology session, this is a therapeutic foot massage. I began this specialized massage with my clients who are runners because they needed extra time just for their feet. Our feet are the most overused and the most neglected part of our body and need relief. Often I've seen clients with lower leg, knee and/or hip discomfort due to problems in their feet. If your feet hurt the tendency is to shift your weight which puts the pressure on other areas. I first apply heated booties to warm up the feet. Then I will work to increase the circulation in the foot and lower leg, then I will ease the arch of the foot, work the top of the foot to help loosen the ankle and finally the toes. This massage will help alleviate swelling and discomfort while relaxing your whole body.
Add an essential oil blend for $5
This treatment starts with applying heat to the hands to begin the relaxation. Then I will work all the small muscles in the fingers, stretch and ease the tightness in the palms and work into the wrist and forearm. This is the perfect massage for anyone with arthritis or who has overworked hands as many of us do.
Add a warming essential oil synergy for $5
Your skin needs to be moisturized and most of my massages start out with this being obvious. It may seem like a simple thing but it is not something most people do much about because they do not realize the importance, don't pay attention to it or have difficulty reaching parts of their body. This is a simple Swedish massage, no deep work, with the focus on moisturizing and protecting the skin. I will use a water based cream to add moisture or an oil to make the skin softer while preventing it from losing moisture. Pure relaxation with the benefit of protecting our body's first line of defense.